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Photo: Maria Tuxen Hedegaard

On the track of the Constitution

Knowledge and activity area dedicated to Denmark’s first constitution

3 June – 20 October 2024

In 2024, we celebrate the 175th anniversary of Denmark’s first constitution, which was signed into law on 5 June 1849. The Constitution took Denmark from royal absolutism to democracy and laid the groundwork for the country we know today: a place where everyone has certain fundamental rights, including free speech and the right to vote, regardless of gender or income.

For this occasion, the second floor of the castle’s north wing has been transformed into a knowledge and activity area that tells the story of the Constitution through an exhibition, activities and questions for reflection. As a special exhibit, you can see the pen that Frederik VII used to sign Denmark’s first democratic constitution, on 5 June 1849. The King’s signature set Denmark on the path to the current system of liberty and democracy.

The exhibition invites you to learn about and explore the Constitution. In a digital track aimed at young people and adults, you can use your smartphone to search for books around the castle and walk in the footsteps of some of the people who fought to make Denmark a democracy. In a special track for our younger visitors, you can pick up a free album with historical facts and collect stickers portraying key historical figures. Whatever track you follow, you will be introduced to the kings who lent a helping hand – and to the ones who opposed the ideas behind the Constitution.

These activities also form the basis of our summer holiday programme, where the Constitution theme will be brought to life by talented actors. For example, you can meet Frederik VII himself and his wife, Countess Danner.

Read more about our summer holiday activities here.

Photos: Knud Erik Madsen and Maria Tuxen Hedegaard